description of treatments



The MASSAGE THERAPY Package is derived from the classical Swedish massage; its nature is however a sports massage. Its primary goal is a therapeutic massage of soft tissue parts, during which one’s muscles are processed deeper and more carefulty, and the appropiriate tone is adjusted.  This treatment covers the hip, back, shoulders and neck area. In addition to the Swedisch massage techniques, it is combined deep tissue, trigger point, passive cupping and fascia release techniques that help relax painful muscle lumps, adhesions, spasms or cramps, and restore normal muscle tone.

For those seeking targeted therapy the treatment is performed according to the methods prescribed by SMT®, Sports Manual Therapy. The first step is an extensive assessment. As a a result of the neuroodynamic and reflex tests performed during the examination-as well as muscle strength and other functionality tests, a specific and targed therapy can be performed. The affected body parts are unlocked, and, when necessary, soft tissue areas are treated using dynamic cupping, active release, and crack techniques.

It is an excellent choice for maintaining muscle tone, whether you are an athlete aiming to promote and acelrate regeneration after workouts or competitions, or restore healthy  muscle tone in case you are living a sedentary lifestyle.


As part of the ENERGY THERAPY package, stress relief techniques are used for body energizing treatments. At the begining, the main chakras are harmonized with the use of essential oils. This treats the main energy centers of the human body. This is followed by either a holistic pulsing massage or a Reiki treament. Both are designed to cleanse the body’s energy system.  You can effetively combine this package with a guided breathing relaxation activity that leads to mindfulness and yoga nidra methods. This technique also helps to energize the body and helps you experience deeper leels of consciousness.

The method of holistic pulsing (massage for the soul) as a therapeutic treatment comes from Australia’s indigenous people. It is currently used to treat mental (psychosomatic) illnesses. Our cells store all the information that is necessary for the functioning of our body, as well as the information that has come to our attention throughout our lives.  Pulsating and soft rocking movements activate cell memory. As a result, cells return to their proper, intended function. After rocking for just a few minutes, the client feels pleasantly relaxed. The blockages clogging the flow in the energy system begin to dissolve. Due to the increasing energy flow, organ functions improve, and our immune system and self-healing abilities are strengthened. As relaxation continues, the vast majority of clients enter a modified state of consciousness. Our unconscious being opens, making it then possible to bring to the surface the repressed emotional blockages.  

It is an excellent choice for anyone who feels overwhelmed or under excessive stresses from everyday life, and desires to release tensions to re-energize and balance their body, soul, or spirit.


The CUPPING THERAPY Package covers the full body using three cupping technics. The goal with this technic is the release of the deep muscles and the treatment of the inflamed muscles. Below the cups the suction removes the stagnant blood so fresh and nutrient blood can enter and  support the healing of the inflamed muscle. Furthermore it helps to relax painful muscle lumps, adhesions, spasms or cramps, and restore normal muscle tone. During passive technik the cups rest on the still body, however by applíing dinamic technic the customer helps the process by doing active movements while the cups are on. Sliding cupping is good and effitient way to treat facial distorsion and reduce cellulitis and also helps to keep the skin fresh and young.


It is an excellent choice for skin care and maintaining muscle tone, whether you are an athlete aiming to promote and acelrate regeneration after workouts or competitions, or restore healthy  muscle tone in case you are living a sedentary lifestyle.